Sai Rasoi
WE HAVE STARTED THE SAI RASOI SINCE 10.06.21.In This Program We started to Distribute Healthy Food to People who earns a little and not Afford to Purchase Meal for Lunch…
Started since 3 years and continue Daily Distribution the Foods for Very Needy People free of cost
दिनांक 27.05.2018 को आयोजित वार्षिक साधारण सभा में जो सर्वसम्मति से निर्णय लिये गये, संक्षिप्त रूप में निम्न प्रकार से हैः 1. भोजन/प्रसादी आदि वितरण का कार्य जो कि हर…
Society started a food distribution program for the poor section of society, especially aiming to serve old aged, kids and women residing in such communities. The program commenced on 13th…
A P J Abdul kalam Education Schlorship and Sh Balwant Singh Chouhan Schlorship Program is concluded on 15th August at 10.30 AM at Khalsa H.S. School Ramnagar ,Shahjahanabad Bhopal. 12…
3रा फूड डिस्ट्रीब्यूशन प्रोग्राम दिनांक १६ जुलाई को संपन्न हुआ सोसायटी के सदस्य साम ७ बजे नेहरूनगर भोपाल के साईं मंदिर पर एकत्र हुए और पास की गरीब बश्ती बापू…
A Free health check-up was organized on 5.6.2016 at Aamra Estate Coloney Kolar Road , Bhopal in cooperation With Aamra Estate Resident Welfare Society,(V) Care Children Hospital and Pandit Khushilal…