As of Year 2019 (वर्ष 2019 के अनुसार)
सोसायटी की स्थापना से अब तक अपनों द्वारा किये गये कार्यों की संक्षेपिका
- अयोध्या नगर , भोपाल में ब्लू स्काई चिकित्सा केन्द्र के माध्यम से वर्ष 2015 से 2018 तक लगभग 3500 व्यक्तियों को निःशुल्क चिकित्सा उपलब्ध कराई गई ।
- अयोध्या नगर में वर्ष 2010 से 2018 तक प्याऊ के माध्यम से भीषण गर्मी में जल सेवा ।
- कोलार रोड़ ( पैलेस आर्चेड कॉलौनी ) , ऐशबाग स्टेडियम एवं ग्राम अमेठा जिला नरसिंहपुर में वृक्षारोपण का कार्य , लगभग 650 पौधे लगाये गये ।
- वर्ष 2010 से अब तक भोपाल के विभिन्न स्थानों एवं मातेश्वरी मंदिर , दानापानी रेस्टोरेंट एवं दामखेड़ा ( कोलार रोड़ ) पर हर शनिवार कुपोषित बच्चों वृद्धों , असहाय व निराश्रितों को भोजन / प्रसादीवितरण किया गया । दिनांक 30 / 05 / 2020 से लगातार प्रतिदिन 40 से अधिक कुपोषित बच्चों वृद्धों , असहाय व निराश्रितों को भोजन को भोजन उपलब्ध कराया जा रहा है ।
- भोपाल सहर के विभिन्न स्थानों पर मेडीकल चेकप केम्पों में लगभग 975 लोगों को निःशुल्क चिकित्सा उपलब्ध कराई गई ।
- 2010 से लगातार प्रत्येक वर्ष गरीब , जरूरतमंद, निराश्रित बच्चों को विभिन्न छात्रवृत्तियाँ दी गई । वर्ष 2017 में 16 अतिगरीब एवं होनहार बच्चों को रू . 60,000 / – की छात्रवृत्ति दी गई । वहीं 2019-20 में 108 बच्चों को लगभग 1,75,000 / – रूपयें की छातवृत्ति दी गई ।
- निराश्रित बच्चीओं को पढ़ाई के लिये मदद की जा रही है । इस वर्ष 4 बच्चीयों को रू . 24,000 / – की मदद की जा चुकी है ।
- स्वच्छता अभियान , बेटी बचाओ अभियान के कार्यक्रम आयोजित किये गये । हर वर्ष भोपाल में स्वच्छता सैनिक सम्मान एवं सुरक्षा सैनिक सम्मान दिये जाते है ।
- ” चिकित्सा सहायता निधि ” स्थापित की गई , जिसमें घर पर काम करने वाले नौकरों , ड्राइवरों , माली , स्वीपर आदि को आवश्यकता पड़ने पर रू . 5000 / – की तुरंत सहायता का प्रावधान । इसके अंतर्गत इस वर्ष 5 लोगों को रू . 56,000 / – की मदद दी जा चुकी है ।
- गौ सेवा केन्द्र का प्रारम्भ । फिलहाल 4 गाय एवं बछड़ो की सेवा कार्य प्रारम्भ ।
संस्था के आगामी कार्यक्रम
- संस्था की स्वयं की किचिन , साँई चबूतरा , मेडिटेशन सेंटर एवं निःशुल्क कोचिंग सेंटर के साथ ही निःशुल्क चिकित्सा हेतु चिकित्सक कक्ष का निर्माण ।
- सीताराम रसोई के माध्यम से 108 लोगों को रोजाना भोजन की व्यवस्था ।
- साँई रसोई के माध्यम से 50 मजदूरों / छात्रों एवं अल्प आय लोगों को न्यूतम दर पर पोषटिक भोजन की व्यवस्था ।
Summary of the work done by loved ones since the inception of the society
- From the year 2015 to 2018, about 3500 persons were provided free medical treatment through Blue Sky Medical Center at Ayodhya Nagar, Bhopal.
- Servicing Water in the scorching heat through Pau in Ayodhya Nagar from 2010 to 2018.
- Tree Plantation in Kolar Road (Palace Arched Colony), Aishbagh Stadium and village Ametha District Narsinghpur, about 650 saplings were planted.
- From the year 2010 till now, food/prasadi was distributed to malnourished children, old people, helpless and destitute at various places of Bhopal and Mateshwari Temple, Danapani Restaurant and Damkheda (Kolar Road) every Saturday. Starting date 30/05/2020, food is being provided to more than 40 malnourished children, old age, helpless and destitute every day.
- Free medical treatment was provided to about 975 people in medical checkup camps at different places of Bhopal city.
- Various scholarships were given to poor, needy, destitute children every year since 2010. In the year 2017, 16 very poor and promising children got Rs. 60,000/- scholarship. In 2019-20, 108 children were given a scholarship of about Rs 1,75,000/-.
- Destitute girls are being helped for studies. This year 4 girls will get Rs. 24,000/- has been helped.
- Programs of cleanliness campaign, Beti Bachao Abhiyan were organized. Sanitation Sainik Award and Security Sainik Award are given every year in Bhopal.
- A “Medical Assistance Fund” was set up, in which servants, drivers, gardeners, sweepers etc., working at home, would be given Rs. Provision of immediate assistance of 5000/-. Under this, this year 5 people will get Rs. 56,000/- has been given.
- Gau Sewa Kendra(Servicing for Cows) started. At present, the service work of 4 cows and calves has started.
Summary of the work done by loved ones since the inception of the society
- From the year 2015 to 2018, about 3500 persons were provided free medical treatment through Blue Sky Medical Center at Ayodhya Nagar, Bhopal.
- Servicing Water in the scorching heat through Pau in Ayodhya Nagar from 2010 to 2018.
- Tree Plantation in Kolar Road (Palace Arched Colony), Aishbagh Stadium and village Ametha District Narsinghpur, about 650 saplings were planted.
- From the year 2010 till now, food/prasadi was distributed to malnourished children, old people, helpless and destitute at various places of Bhopal and Mateshwari Temple, Danapani Restaurant and Damkheda (Kolar Road) every Saturday. Starting date 30/05/2020, food is being provided to more than 40 malnourished children, old age, helpless and destitute every day.
- Free medical treatment was provided to about 975 people in medical checkup camps at different places of Bhopal city.
- Various scholarships were given to poor, needy, destitute children every year since 2010. In the year 2017, 16 very poor and promising children got Rs. 60,000/- scholarship. In 2019-20, 108 children were given a scholarship of about Rs 1,75,000/-.
- Destitute girls are being helped for studies. This year 4 girls will get Rs. 24,000/- has been helped.
- Programs of cleanliness campaign, Beti Bachao Abhiyan were organized. Sanitation Sainik Award and Security Sainik Award are given every year in Bhopal.
- A “Medical Assistance Fund” was set up, in which servants, drivers, gardeners, sweepers etc., working at home, would be given Rs. Provision of immediate assistance of 5000/-. Under this, this year 5 people will get Rs. 56,000/- has been given.
- Gau Sewa Kendra(Servicing for Cows) started. At present, the service work of 4 cows and calves has started.
Upcoming events of the organization
- Establishment of the society’s own kitchen, sai platform, meditation center and free coaching center as well as the construction of a doctor’s room for free medical treatment
- Daily food distribution to 108 people through Sitaram Rasoi.
- Arrangement of nutritious food at the lowest rate to 50 labourers / students and low income people through Sai Rasoi.
- Establishment of the society’s own kitchen, sai platform, meditation center and free coaching center as well as the construction of a doctor’s room for free medical treatment
- Daily food distribution to 108 people through Sitaram Rasoi.
- Arrangement of nutritious food at the lowest rate to 50 labourers / students and low income people through Sai Rasoi.