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Medical Checkup Camp at Ayodhya Nagar Bhopal

A Free health check-up camp was organized on 17.01.2016 at C-56, Ayodhya nagar, Bhopal in cooperation Pandit Khushilal Sharma Ayurvedik Hospital, Bhopal.

Doctor Rajesh Meshram, associates professor & HOD, Dr. Shrdha Sharma, MD, Dr. Vivek Sharma, MD, Dr. Swati Nagpal, MD of Pandit Khushilal Sharma Ayurvedik Hospital, Bhopal alongwith Dr. Dinesh Mekle, MD & Dr. Kalpna Saxena, MD have diagnosed the patients and done the treatment of patients in the camp.

The camp started on 10:00 AM after the Deep Prajwlan by Chief Guest of the programme Shri V. K. Tarab in front of the photo of Sai Baba.

Sh. Harinarayan Vyas, Smt. Manju Gupta, Sh. R. K. Gupta, Sh. Rajesh Gupta, Sh. Rajnesh Dubey, Sh. Bharat Bhushan Geetay, Sh. Sunil Vyas, Sh. Shiv Kumar Gupta, Sh. Mahesh Gupta, Smt. Khilona Bai, Smt. Uma Gupta and other Senior Citizen were present during the medical camp and contributed their best and concluded it successfully.

Ku. Tanu Gupta, Ku. Meena Gupta, Master Dewansh Gupta, Master Nitesh Seth, Israr Khan, Dipesh Kori, J. P. Mishra & Vijay have also contributed their best efforts in managing the camp during whole day. Nearly 200 patients were given treatment in the camp.

At last, the Chairman, Blue Sky Society has expressed her thanks to all the Doctors voluntears, patients and all respected citizens who have contributed in the camp.

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