Blue Sky Society started in the year 2010 to start with small but effective social works with intention of contributing back to the society.
As plant starts growing slowly by continues sprinkling of water over it, the same way we are the people doing small & little works towards the society with motive of keeping the society that we live in grow and prosper .
We are the people who thinks that real happiness is in giving . Give, that we can spare, which may be the need for others. Everyone is welcome to join with the mission of social work. Join hands with the people who have the same thinking and eagerness towards building a better society for tomorrow. When 2 person come together, 2 hands now become 4, and this is the chain that follows and we think this is the secret for success of any social movement.
People with different thinking, different professions and different life style are coming together to stand for the society with only one aim, that is all to give back to society, maybe small but continues support so that the plant of blue sky grows day by day and society be benefited underneath the shadow of the blue sky tree . Sprinkling of water on the plant of blue sky is continues process & none of us want to stop it and by means of their donation in the form of Feedback, suggestions, valuable time, and money. Thus with strong positive intentions and efforts, one can make this world a better place to live.
आज हम जो हैं वह समाज दयारा प्राप्त उपकार ही है | इन उपकारों को समाज को वापस करने का कार्य ही समाज सेवा है |
सामाजिक, सांस्कृतिक एवं अराजनैतिक कार्यक्रमों के माध्यम से समाज में नयी चेतना लाना एवं कमजोर व असहाय बच्चो की मदद कर उन्हें आगे बढ़ने हेतु प्रेरित करना | समाज के उपेक्षित (निर्धन, असहाय , कमजोर व पीड़ित ) वर्ग की हर संभव सहायता कर उन्हें मुख्य धारा में लाना |
मानव हित में किया गया दान , है सबसे पुण्य काम |
इस महादान का हिस्सा बने , पुण्य की प्राप्ति करें
गठन : सन 2010
रजिस्ट्रेशन नं व दिनांक : 21696 दिनांक 16.04.2010
रजिस्टर्ड कार्यालय : ब्लू स्काई परिसर, ग्राम पिपलिया केशो, कोलर रोड, भोपाल(म.प्र.)
कार्यछेत्र : संपूर्ण मध्यप्रदेश
वेबसाइट :
ईमेल : ablueskyeducationsociety at
What we are today is only a favor received from the society. Social service is the act of returning these favors to the society.
Bringing new consciousness in the society through social, cultural and non-political programs and helping the weak and helpless children and motivating them to move forward. Bringing them into the mainstream by doing all possible help to the neglected (poor, helpless, weak and suffering) sections of the society.
Formation : 2010
Registration No & Date : 21696 Dated 16.04.2010
Registered Office : Blue Sky Complex, Village Pipliya Kesho, Kolar Road, Bhopal (M.P.)
Work Area : Entire Madhya Pradesh
Website :
Email : ablueskyeducationsociety at
ए.ब्लू स्काई एजुकेशन एंड सोशल वेलफेयर सोसाइटी भोपाल
Blue sky parisar,village Pipaliya kesho,Kolar road to Misrod link road , Bhopal M.P.
You can Donate to
A blue sky education and social welfare society
Account number 152811100000122,
Union Bank (Andhra Bank) Kolar road Bhopal.IFSC UBIN0825280
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